Unchanged After Millions of Years

Evolution means change, but when we look to the living world, we see no significant change (macroevolution). Creatures supposedly extinct for millions of years have been found alive in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Australia is the home of a beetle discovered alive in 1998, but supposed by Darwinists to have been extinct for "200 million years." It hasn't changed at all. Dragonfly fossils supposedly "over 300 million years old" have wing venation virtually identical to dragonfly wings today. There is no change. Millipedes supposedly "420 million years old" haven't changed. (Frank Sherwin, "Biology and the Age of the Earth", October 2004, Institute of Creation Research)

A fish called a coelacanth was supposedly extinct for over 70 million years. In 1938, a fishermen off the southern coast of Africa netted one of these fish, which looks exactly like its fossil ancestors. It hasn't changed. Catfish fossils found in the Green River Formation look like catfish today. Graptolite fossils supposedly 300 million years old have been found living in the South Pacific (Sue Rigby, "Graptolites Come to Life," Nature, Vol. 362, March 18, 1993, pp 209-210).

Other famous living fossils include the tuatara (supposedly extinct since the Cretaceous Period until found living in New Zealand), the Lepidocaris crustacean (only found as fossils in Devonian rocks), the Metasequoia conifer tree (thought extinct for the past 20 million years), the Neopilina mollusk (supposedly extinct for 280 million years) and the lingual brachiopod, supposedly extinct since the Ordovician. (Dr. Henry M. Morris, "The Profusion of Living Fossils", Back to Genesis, No. 143, November 2000)

Many of the Cambrian fauna still survive today, all looking much like they did supposedly over 500 million years ago. The prominent British evolutionist, Richard Dawkins, commented, "And we find many of them already in an advanced state of evolution, the very first time they appear. It is as though they were just planted there, without any evolutionary history. Needless to say, this appearance of sudden planting has delighted creationists." (Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, New York: W. W. Norton Co., 1987)

Fossils of bees, ants, cicadas, termites, cockroaches, and other insects, are practically identical with their modern descendants. The same can be said for crocodiles, alligators, turtles, frogs, toads, bats, squirrels, opossums, and many other animals. (Dr. Henry M. Morris, "The Profusion of Living Fossils", Back to Genesis, No. 143, November 2000)

We must ask ourselves, "If evolution is true, why haven't these creatures changed?" Given supposedly millions of years to have evolved (changed), they should have been significantly altered in structure and appearance. The alternative conclusion is that evolution isn't true, and that's why they haven't changed.

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